Saturday, November 27, 2010


Its funny how the little things she do can affect me so much. Like how she doesn't reply my messages could make me feel so disappointed or how she hits me after I teased her could light up my day.

But I know, all this counts for nothing, because I'm just a friend. However, all this means a lot to me. I wonder how things would be, after we all graduated.

I try my best to keep away from her, but deep down, I still really like this girl. It's not easy for me, but I am forcing myself away. Unlike before, I would go to her and talk to her every chance I get. Right now, even if she is alone over there, I'd still stay away and remain silent. It's tearing me inside, but I respect the fact that she is in a relationship, that she has a boyfriend.


Live-Love-Laugh-Dream said...

Who knows? U still stand a chance ei, u're a guy at least, chances are created, u can make a move though. Maybe u'll get what u want in return? Hmm, put that aside, that's just an opinion. Even cant be couples, just be friends atm. Future cannot be predicted, rite?


Hiro said...

maybe, I also dunno. but I dont want to make a move, just stand aside and be her guardian. help her in every situation or whenever she needs it, im satisfied just by that

或許命運的簽 只讓我們遇見
只讓我們相戀 這一季的秋天
飄落後才發現 這幸福的碎片