Monday, October 27, 2008

New Updates

So I didn't post for a long time. I think I'll write about stuff that happened to me since the last update, they are so many and so random, it explains the title.

Where should I start from ... ... Let's see

Assignment madness week
Week 13 which is last week, apart from mathematics subject, every subject had assignments to be done. Innovation, a group work to write out a report of our innovation, we made Multipurpose Vending Machine (thank you Calvyn for doing the final editing). IT, web page design about "Your Malaysian's Kitchen" and presentation (assignment and presentation on same week). Programming, Swinny Idol (thanks a lot Ezra). English, fact sheet (I didn't do this one, couldn't make it in time). Imagine the workload, it's insane! Throughout the whole week, I get an average sleep of 4 hours per days, that's like half of my usually sleep! I became a panda since Tuesday. Even until today, I'm still taking back my deprived sleep, been sleeping like crazy since Saturday.

Too many assignments result in lack of sleep, lack of sleep results in clumsiness, clumsiness result in bad driving, bad driving COULD result in accidents. Oh yeah, I fall asleep at the traffic light at Tabuan Jaya when heading to prayer meeting. I was very bad at driving those few days and real sorry to Tony and Leong Ling on Sunday afternoon, having to experience my post lack-of-sleep driving skills. Not only driving, but even my concentration on doing things are affected. I don't seem to talk properly, or do anything else properly. We were eating at Cillipeppers and Ezra asked me to help him order a chicken rice which cost RM3.80 and he passed to me RM10. I ordered my own beehoon-with-ultra-long-name which cost RM5. When I went back to the table, I only returned Ezra RM5, which shows I'm not thinking consciously. Sorry about that Ezra.

Rains of grace and healing
Same week (23-26), Bro Peter Truong was in Kuching and our church as healing workshop and healing rally. Everything was awesome because God is there and God is awesome. I couldn't stop smiling in both meetings, too bad I missed the one in SUPP on Friday night. About that night, went to Atmosphera with Calvyn, Chong and Ezra. After that, I struggled to drive to Chinese church because of fatigue, I felt like I was going to faint, but I keep reminding myself that it is going to be worth it because God is going to do great things. However when I did make it to the Chinese church, the healing rally wasn't there and I was too tired to ask and drive to the real location, I headed home instead. On this occasion, I was privileged enough to be prayed for my eyes.
My testimony:
"I have long-sightedness for maybe around 200 degrees now. It's no big deal, but I believe that I can have the best from God. After being prayed, I can see distant objects with sharper images, though sometimes they are clear and sometimes blur. I believe that God is adjusting my eyes."
Bro Peter Truong really showed that it was not him, but God who is the healer. Honestly, he didn't do much, which really comes to show that it's God. Thank you Uncle Han Ho for praying for me, everything that you said, was so true to my current situation and I will keep your advise.
"It's a challenge for me now, a time of testing. I must be close to God, to read the bible, to pray."


I got 32/40 from my 2nd mathematics exam. So tally up with my 1st exam, I have a total of 50/60. Which means I passed my mathematics, so I don't have to worry that much about mathematics and I can focus on other subjects which are not that 'safe' yet. Finished everything in IT, presentation, web page assignment, quiz and final exam. For every other subjects, it's all about the final exam now. Regarding MPW (mata pelajaran wajib) or compulsory subjects, I've decided to take the one in January. My only dilemma is work, working during that almost 2 month holiday, or one and a half month to be accurate. I'm bad at job hunting and my commitments to church makes it a little harder.

I guess that's all in my mind for now. Other missing things that I didn't say, guess I've forgotten about them no matter how important they may be. Even if they come back in my head, chances are 20% that I would post them here.