Saturday, September 1, 2012

Another (sweet) Dream about Dream Girl

It's been ages since I last posted, or had a sweet dream, or dreamed about my dream girl. Too long, didn't even know she was still in my mind, don't think it means anything though, but still it's pretty cool.

So the dream was in a hall or a restaurant or something, we were eating around a table. Dream girl, her sis, me and a couple of people whom I don't remember were there. Dream girl was sitting next to me, and her sis opposite me. We were eating, having dinner or something. Dream girl got closer and closer to me and leaning towards me, I gave in and lean on her too. All this time while her sis was sitting opposite of me and smiling at me (the dream was made that both sisters have feelings for me). When I finally gave in, on the other table just opposite me, were my secondary school friends, I remember clearly seeing Ah Bui's face and he was waving and smiling at me with the smile saying "oh, so that's what you're up to, congratulations!" And my response was me doing the sign language version of "shhhhh" which is putting one finger on my lips, asking them not to make a commotion out of it.

Yeah, that's basically what the dream was like. A little short, but it was really sweet, and the cool part is I actually remembered it after I woke up. Like I said before, I haven't had a sweet dream in a long time and didn't even think about my dream girl for a long time because she was in the past, though we never really shared a past together.