Friday, September 19, 2008

Summary of 1st Half Semester

Without knowing it, half a semester has already passed, that's 8 weeks. Wooooo what a milestone. Let's take a look at things.

1. Academically - I did quite good for. English 8/10. Innovation 12.5/15. Math 18.9/20. IT and programming are n/a. Praise God and all the best for Him, I will continue to bring Him glory.

2. Habits - I was always late. But thanks to someone, I start to come a little earlier, though I need to change even more.

3. Emotion - Woah what a roller coaster ride. Yes there was sweetness and of course hurt, but overall it helped me grow, to be a better person. Couldn't deny that there was a lot of suffering and struggling, but I'm still standing. Whatever that doesn't kill me, makes me stronger.

4. First time in my life that I didn't sleep the whole night. That's a first in my entire life. my first Swinburne assignment, a great innovation - innovation in mobile phone.

5. From a place where I am a stranger to a place where I would hang out. I remember it took me sometime before I would go to the library, the cafeteria, common lounge and student hostel. Took me like two weeks or so but I did it.

6. From a quiet, shy and cool person to a noisy, friendly and still cool person, or so I think. Made a few friends whom I, honestly, didn't initially like.

7. Got distracted from my goal and target for some time. Spiritual life backslided. Didn't be salt and light. Showed some really bad attitude and examples.

So that pretty much sums up my 1st half semester in Swinburne. Too bad we don't have break. More is yet to come and I hope I can 'survive' it all in one piece. All glory to God!

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