Tuesday, February 28, 2017

She Left

27th February, she left me a message, starting with "hey man". Every time she has bad news, she starts it with hey man. She asked me to delete our conversation history. I was curious, we were chatting just fine in the morning, before I left for work. The message was around 3:30pm.

I arrived at Dubai airport around 11pm, saw her message, instantly replied. Curious, confused, unsure. Though I had a hunch on what was about to happen, for some reason.

28th February, 1am. I deleted our conversation and gave her a screenshot. She replied with an apology, and that she is gonna disappear from now on. Stunned, shocked, I had no idea what is going on. I kept trying to call her, but connection error. FUCKING CONNECTION ERROR. At a time like this? The one time that is an emergency, and connection error. Fuck you wechat, fuck you dubai hotel internet.

She said, it was time to let me go. She wanted to for some time now, but couldn't. I asked for an explanation, she couldn't give a proper one.

I never expected this to happen or at least to happen so soon, and for it to be so abrupt. I was ready to let her go once, before, and yet we delayed and postponed until today. Perhaps to her, this was not suppose to happen, just like how her marriage wasn't suppose to happen. Perhaps it was dejavu all over. Again, too many questions.

I made her a promise, that if one day she decides to leave, I would just let her go. I won't make things difficult for her, I only wanted her to be happy. Though there were so many questions left unanswered, and so many words left unspoken.

And so, she left, and I let her go...

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