Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Feeling the Pressure, the Heat, the Weight

Week 2 since the start of life in Swinburne.

There are only two things that I care in my life now, one is church, the other is my life in Swinburne. Sad to say that my life at home is not listed, it didn't go in my mind when I was thinking what matters to me now.

1. Church
I really really care about my care group, which is student care group, the kids are a big concern for me now. Especially with the new people coming in, I get to know so much of them that it makes me depressed. I wonder what is wrong with me? I have become so melancholy or however you spell it. I just can't open my mouth, speak the truth and tell them things that would hurt my image in their eyes although it is true, it is what they don't like and it is what I am supposed to do. Apart from the student care group, is the student camp. I am not doing my job, I know what I'm suppose to do but it's not what I'm good at and I have done nothing, I feel so bad about it. Things wont be done if I don't do my job, the camp is such a huge thing and it wont do itself although other people would do in my place, it's supposed to be my responsibility and I feel really bad, don't forget to mention I'm gonna disappoint people that have hope and expectations in me.

2. Swinburne
My social life here is getting better, though it is not fast, but it is progressing. I will shine when you know me and these people will have the chance to know me in time. I feel that I am starting to shine, like the light in this world. Don't forget to mention assignments, though they are not like homework, they are like projects! There is one assignment, we are required to pass it up on week 4 and now is already week 2! The count down is so obvious here. I've done a little research about it and to be honest, the little is at a level of minimum, which is not good.

Well so far, things are starting to heat up for me. I am starting to feel the pressure, the heat and the weight but one thing I know for sure is God's grace is sufficient for me.

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